A picture of someone you grew up with.

When they left for college, I picked up a Nintendo controller and carried a Game Gear on vacations. This time I was going through middle school as well as the age of "too-cool-to-care". As much as I tried to seem aloof at their coming home, I was trying to get their attention as much as possible to show them a new piece of art, a school project, or how skilled I was with a video game controller.
My brother is my closest sibling at 9 years my senior, my sister is 11 years my senior. They have put me in dresses, locked me into small spaces, challenged me to work harder, given me haircuts, given me money and helped develop a confidence that is steady in any situation. These two saw me through my whole life, and are still seeing me through it. I value their opinions, knowledge, experiences and the stories that come from all of the above.
Thanks for making life fun.
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