Saturday, June 11, 2011

Gone, but not forgotten.

Day 97/100
A picture of something you no longer have.

The Money Hat. Technically it was never mine, it belonged to my good friend David Ledbetter. This was a wonderful innovation in the world of online gaming. In our moving from apartment to apartment in college the headset for David's Xbox360 broke, never to be worn again. At the time David was working at the local Big Lots and happened upon this wonderfully awful hat. It was originally named the "Ghetto" hat, this was not due only to appearance. We had cut a hole in the hat to slide the remaining part of the headset into the hat and duct-taped the plastic to the inside of the hat to hold it in place. It wasn't untill we started playing Modern Warfare online while wearing this that it recieved a new moniker. We suddenly found our online matches to be more fruitful, our kill to death ratio skyrocketed, and somehow our comebacks to the multitude of 12 year olds became more witty and less crass. With this newfound success the hat was deemed "The Money Hat".

Oh how it is missed.

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