Monday, January 4, 2010

Ready, flow.

Hey, I'm producing stuff again. It comes in short bursts, but that's the way I like it. If I work too long on something it frustrates me. Here is a piece I did for my sister and her family. Titled it "Flutter By" after how my wife refers to butterflies. I thought the title also fits the easy-going nature of my sister's family.

I just can't express how wonderful it is to paint, move and watch this mixture of materials outside of me (along with the energy flowing through me) to create an image. I definitely don't feel like my images are nice crisp works that belong in a gallery, but it does seem to convey a feeling. That, that feeling (preferring good over bad), is what I want.
You can find the rest of my stuff here, on DeviantArt, along with a larger version of the above painting.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Mayan Apocalypse. 1 Year, 364 days and counting.

In spite of any New Year's meals, "rabbit rabbit" sayings or other superstitious activity (or resolution making) I think I'll just chalk a new year and decade up to personal responsibility. The Maker gave us sense enough to recognize blessing if we want to. If we want to. See the responsibility part there? I didn't say "If God blesses us", no, the blessings will come. We have to make a conscious decision to recognize it and be thankful. Now that you recognize it, take care of it. Don't leave it up to chance, flip of a coin (which can be helpful with little non-matters), or hopeful wishing. Take responsibility for the family you've been blessed with. Use your finances responsibly to help with that first part. Be responsible with your body. These are more than just resolutions. These are obligations that the new year just tends to remind us of, sometimes in a manner that makes us feel like such a failure :\ Then again, that's why God blessed us enough to make it one more day (let alone a year or decade).

I'm sure future posts will be more positive, goofy and uplifting. But since we've got a little time to think here at this kick-off point, let it be of use to us. Now, go save the world ;)