Sunday, June 12, 2011

We're Going Out Tonight

Day 98/100
A picture of you and your friends out somewhere.

Halloween night, all the ghosts and ghoulies are running around causing mischief and harassing innocents for candy. I however have taken to a college ritual of sitting around with a bunch of folks that attempt to speak intellectually while their blood/alcohol content is rising. The house was tucked far away and not a quick drive for me, and since I was driving alone, my alcoholic intake was non-existent. It really is a pleasure to spend time with people who can enjoy their drink responsibly. A greater pleasure is when those people do not resort to ghoulish harassment themselves when you choose not to. In typical college fashion, pizza, beer and soda was the evening meal. Drinking games insued and within a couple of hours someone was wearing a beer case as their mask. People can be quite colorful. The Bible warns of drunkeness and shows great detest for fools that ignore wisdom. I guess in that sense, I should pity them, but greater than pity is love. I have compassion for these friends of mine, and hope that in time they too will learn that love covers a multitude of sins. Maybe then fun can be had with less involvement of innebriation, that may even save a few bucks on the beer.

P.S. - "I know that I'm not in the picture. However, I did take the picture, thus proving that I'm there with everyone."

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