A picture of someone who helps/helped you with school.

He has a flare for honesty and a heart for controversy. He will push your buttons only as a way to pick your brain. If you find yourself getting emotional in a conversation with Bobby, realize it is only to force you deeper into your mind and find reason. He does not do this for some sadistic pleasure, nor is it out of a hatred for emotion. Bobby wants people to be passionate about their beliefs, and more importantly to know why they believe what they do.
I found great joy in studying under him. I learned to express my opinions with more understanding and eloquence. Before my responses to other educators was simple regurgitation. Even in situations where asked to extract subtext from a subject, my responses were more along the lines of what was expected and accepted, not what was really in my mind. Every school needs a teacher that pushes people. Students may not like it, but nothing will prepare them for college better.
Thanks Flanagan.
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