Day 61/100
A picture of you in the fall.

Don't worry, I'm not on fire. Well, I mean, I know I'm "hot"but that is off-topic and a whole other blog. (Which will be closely followed by a blog on modesty.) This is at the Daniels' annual pig-pickin. Stoking the fire is important from 12am to 11pm, the coals cook the pig in the wee hours of the morning and they also keep us and our marshmallows warm at night. The night is settling here and the weather the picture. Otherwise, summer is beginning and I had my first day
back in a hot attic. They aren't blazing, but the heat is slowing coming back, sneaking almost. Waiting to pounce and make me pass out, again. Again, another blog, another day.
Stay hydrated readers.
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