A picture of your favorite morning.
The midnight and early morning hours are spent discussing family, politics, money issues and the economy at large, politics, world issues and business plans. Occasionally, politics will come up too. Common sense can solve all the world's problems and everything must start on a small scale. I can't find the source of the quote, but I believe "There is no such thing as small change" is very fitting for the solutions expounded by these armchair philosophers. The majority of discussions end with "you can't teach those who don't want to learn." I must admit that the conservative beliefs that are held to in these conversations would seem close minded. I would argue the contrary as alternative ideas are brought up and weighed against their ideals. This alternatives are usually found wanting in comparison to the lives they are leading. Empowering the underprivileged and discriminated is not discouraged, but those that grew up on a farm or working in factories do not believe in handouts. A hand up is acceptable, but if the recipient does nothing to improve with hand up, nothing more will be given. These men work hard to provide for their families, just as their families did for them.
The morning prep of meat is only a contribution of the men to a great family gathering. As the sun rises mothers show up and provide a wonderful breakfast even as they prepare many more dishes and desserts. This is my favorite morning because of the anticipation of the day to come, not just for the events and conversation. There will be many more conversations with family. Games will be played with children, jokes will be told and there will be plenty of stories told and retold. What could make a morning better than the anticipation of seeing family, relaxation and a day filled with some of the best food around. Really, this whole post has been a lead up to that last moment. A day filled with the best food around. A day for food. I get to eat all day. Eat all day.
*Food Coma*
I love that most of your favorites* are around my family :) You Rock!