Day 47/100
A picture of your favorite animal.

Parasaurolophus. "Near Creasted Lizard" You can also jump on
wikipedia and learn a ton of other neat facts and even follow some links on what this creature may have sounded like. Almost 35 feet long and weighing in at close to 3 tons, okay, enough of the elementary school report, ISN'T THIS THING COOL! It's the first unicorn! (Not to be confused with
The Last Unicorn.) A wide, almost, duck-billed looking mouth. The horn. The almost fish-like tail with vertical bone support structures for some sort of powerful muscles. I can imagine this thing walking and that tail swaying from side to side. I loved dinosaurs as a kid, still somewhat fascinated by them, I had a book with a bunch on silhouette size comparisons (see the above wikipedia link) to imagine what it would be like to stand next to those amazing creatures. Well, expect for the ones standing under a foot, we have house cats that can best that. Of all the silhouettes this one stood out the most. Yes, the crest definitely creates a striking profile, but it was the overall body structure that made me want to ride it. My main criteria for how cool a dinosaur was, as a kid, based on how accommodating it would be to ride said creature as a mount. This is still a factor in my assessment of dinosaurs today. Riding a T-rex, or Velociraptor never really struck me as fun, being eaten was of no concern because it would be "trained"...and well fed. Triceratops and those alike seemed to be too wide to ride.
Kentrosaurus was just plain out of the question. However, the Parasaurolophus just struck me as like riding a really tall and stretched out cow.
I recommend goggling dinosaurs and finding one you like. Maybe bust out the old World Book encyclopedias and hunting one down. Then hunt down a comparison chart and ask yourself, could I ride this or enjoy having it on a leash as a pet? Post your result down in the comment bar, looking forward to seeing the results.
I definitely took this a different direction from the original topic, but hey, let's roll with it.
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