Another day has come and gone on the road, a 9 hour work day past, of which 5 were spent driving. Knocked out another 3 service stops that add up to almost $1000 of revenue for the company. Alone in a hotel room, bored and ready to be home. I'd like to be witty and creative, but that just isn't coming right now. So as not to be completely bland here are a couple of thoughts from the day:
-Video baluns are tedious and highly defective.
-How does a 6'5" man fit into a Pontiac Fiero?
Finally, on my way in, I drove past the
MULTIPLE South of the Border billboards. I began reading such gems as, well, here...just look:

Any ways, I found myself reading each billboard with the voice of Mr. Lunt.

That would be Mr. Lunt surrounded by vicious little cheese-curls, to hear the voice I spent most of my ride speaking in, you can find the stylings of Mr. Lunt
G'day. Hopefully I'll be home soon. But don't expect any updates anytime as this weekend is my wife's birthday. Yes, the whole weekend is her birthday, turning 25 is a big deal. Catch ya'll on the flipside.
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