The playground is animal themed and all the play equipment is plush and shaped like triple sized versions of the animals. I can't get to the escalators, they are on the other side of a barrier. I try to climb the chain link fence that bends back as I near the top, it can't carry my weight. I start to panic as the fence peels back and I start to turn upside down and see a giant plush giraffe head craning out of the adjacent wall. I let loose of the fence and reach for the giraffe's antlers, as my weight hit's the giant plushie it's neck slowly bends. I hear the popping of stitches and look down, the giant plush turtle looks like a nice place to land, I let go. *PLOP* As quick as I smack down I'm up and running towards an exit, somehow my fall put me on the second level I was trying to reach. I run out in Parisian streets, fall leaves on the ground and a few left on the trees. I'm in a park of some sort, naked, and running towards my goal. I become self-conciouse but that is quickly pushed aside as I look around to others not just naked, but actively exposing themselves. I see a family on picnic, the kids all enjoy their food as the parents engage in very passionate sex and quite openly. This takes most of the qualms of my naked sprint away. As my head is turned taking in all the nakedness I run into something as icky feeling as a spiderweb, but as dense as a tarp and colored a very dark black. It wraps my body and covers me much like a trench coat.
I'm still running and as my vision returns I'm no longer in the park but in the median of a major highway. I'm thankful for my new covering and for some reason start to run on all fours to run faster. A white Escalade comes up on the curb next to me. I chalk it up to distraction, but then notice the driver staring me down, I stop for him to pass me but he throws the vehicle in reverse to run me over. I jump and land on the rear passenger corner of the Escalade, crouched in my best Spider Man crouch. The driver opens the sunroof and begins to shoot at me. I'm looking dead down the barrel and still dodging the bullets. I grab the gun an the driver starts to laugh until I twist the gun and start to bend his trigger finger backwards. I feel someone pushing me off the SUV and to my left the driver has a teenage counterpart trying to detach me from the vehicle. I take control of the weapon and it's out of bullets, in a last ditch effort to get rid of me the driver floors the gas and we drive off the right side of the road. We tear into the tall skinny pines, a seemingly bottomless pit below, as we fall breaking through thousands of branches. I stay crouched on the roof of the Escalade, taking in the fall, the driver starts to mock me and I'm in no mood for it. I say, "Fine, see ya." and jump from the roof. The Escalade falls with the sounds of screaming and I rocket upwards back to the ground we left.
I stand and look around, no more cars on the interstate, just empty roadway. Grass has begun to sprout through the cracks in the asphalt. My black tarp trench coat is now a heavy black fur, much like Sirius Black's coat in Order of the Phoenix (the movie). I walk along the highway and find a shelter on the side of the road. It's full of books, stacked in every direction, even used to create furniture. Things get a little unclear at this point. I know that a guy who appears homeless approaches me, bearded and in tattered clothes, he rants about some approaching doom. Doom may be a bit overboard, but I know that I don't need to be where I am anymore...that's when I wake up. and I really wanted to know about what he was warning me.
I didn't eat anything too late, didn't eat any strange combinations...oh well. My dreams make about as much sense as this picture.

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