Traveling around and helping people with their surveillance issues, I get plenty of time to think...occasionally I get to write some of it down at stop lights. So let's look at what got written down...I'll try and explain.
"Ramble Ramble Ramble" - Sitting outside the office, killing time before going in. I know I can't be the only one that dreads walking into the office from time to time. Finally decided to move it and make my way to the first job site.
"8:18 8:20" - After getting my first assignment and heading down the road I hit what I feel is one of the longest lights in the world...apparently, 2 minutes feels like forever when you're 5min. behind schedule.
"Diane Rain(?)" - Ahhhhh NPR, thank you for making my mornings so riveting. Diane's soothing voice lulls me to sleep and I jolt awake to keep from slamming into the transfer truck next to me. Riveting. Is it just me, or does NPR purposefully try to find announcers that sound as uninterested as possible. Then again, a soothing voice is much preferred to the raving antics of Glen "Mad Max" Beck.
"Google v. Apple" - Interesting debate on how these two companies are competing. But the way their competition was worded. Control. I scoff at the word. Why would you ever want one side to win? Competition drives our wonderful market. Just imagine how much more expensive Apple products could be if they didn't have to compete. Imagine how many people would be computer illiterate if Google (and PC based) technology was the only option. Just the idea of people wanting one side to win blows my mind. Especially when we supposedly have laws in place to keep from such Monopolies.
"Stalling 4 Time' Nessner' - I wanna read this book. Didn't get to hear the interview, but an insider perspective of a police hostage negotiator. Sounds intense. Just gotta finish "Uprising" "A New Kind of Christian" and The Complete Works of Shakespeare.
I'll be heading down to Pembroke tomorrow. If anyone doesn't have dinner plans, I know a wonderful young lady that would love to be kept company. I'll update ya'll hopefully tomorrow night.
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