-Leaving @ 3:45, 6 1/2 hr. drive ahead, whew.
-Traffic just added 30 min. to the drive.
-Seeing signs for Annapolis, Langley, Quantico, Washington. No historic or political thoughts to ponder, just all the times these locations are referenced in Hollywood.
-Driving by D.C. with thoughts of Dan Brown's "The Lost Symbol" rolling through my head. Really wanting to stop and hit as many of the locations mentioned as possible. Especially the "Wet Pod".
-Why am I seeing signs for Baltimore?
-Oh look, my GPS was set to avoid toll roads. It's trying to take me all the way around the Chesapeake, I could have been at my location an hour and half ago.
-$6.50 in tolls later, I'm within 45 min. of my hotel.
-All of Salisbury, MD is dark and I haven't eaten supper. Only 3 mi. till my hotel.
-Sweet thanks that there is a Wendy's right next to the hotel :D
-Arrival @ hotel, 11:15pm. Eat, shower, in bed by 12:30....tossed and turned till around 1:15. :\
-Forgot to turn off 6:30 alarm, ugh.
-Toss around till 7:15, then out of bed to pack up, eat my continental breakfast of cold hard-boiled eggs and cereal, head out to install some cameras.
-Raining and can't find a place that is only 3 mi. from my hotel.
-Pouring down as I unload equipment, wringing out my shirt.
-Running wire through a garage, moving more of their equipment than my own ladder. Wires all ran before lunch.
-Skipped lunch to stay in the groove.
-No fish sticks to get internet line down office wall, 20 mins later after taping a drill bit to my line and doing my best at "precise dangling", the line is down the wall and I can just reach in and grab it.
-I find one plate to cover my hole-in-the-wall with, whew.
-Break said plate while drilling hole for line, crap.
-One extra plate found, whew.
-Didn't break this one, YES!
-Did internet set-up on equipment I've never used, YES YES!
-Supposed to have assistance from people at install site, no help till last 2 hours of my day.
-Time to pack up and go home, it's 3:45...sigh.
-Long dark drive home, 11:15pm arrival
Get up for work and do it again.
I'm sorry I was asleep when you got home, I tried and tried to stay awake :) Love you and glad your home. Oh and KEEP POSTING!!