Have I mentioned before how much the Smokey Mountains of North Carolina rejuvenate me? I don't know if it's the thin air making my brain function a little differently, or it could be the time set for the sole purpose of doing nothing. I may even venture a guess as to the magical properties within the chill of a mountain stream, but those are all just a portion of the many re-energizers I find in the mountains.
On the 4th my sister and her kids returned home with mom while my wife and I enjoyed a hike up Grandfather Mountain's Profile Trail. It was a nice hike just over three miles but we decided to push an extra half-mile to reach Calloway Peak. Even my wife who has a little thing with heights couldn't resist a look over the edge. Mind you this was no little peek, she laid down and soaked it in.
In all, I found time to reflect on the great things about our country, the list is long but I will only name a few. I love our ability to come together as a body and protect the things we love, including sections of land that we have found God's beauty in and will do all we can to preserve it. It's fascinating that despite our differences, disagreements and even disappointments on every topic from religion, politics and personal choices that we still come together under the freedom to have such disagreements. I'm thankful for the convenience of such things as food and clean water and systems in place that distribute such necessities. I hold tight to the time I get with my family, the freedom to love my wife and to delight in the life we share. This is all thanks to many in the past who felt freedom was a right to fight for and those today who carry that flag still.
Not all who fight carry a gun or work in political office. There are those that give of their time and finances to help the less fortunate. There are the families who hold together and raise their children to know right from wrong. There are the young adults striking out in the world to work hard and earn a living. There are those who pray for wisdom, those who teach that history will repeat itself if forgotten and those who reflect on the freedoms provided by all those fighting.
Happy 4th of July.